03.16.15 — Small Talk

“Pee Wee” Reese, 1947


Monday, March 16, 2015

Puzzle by Ian Livengood / Edited by Will Shortz

SMALL, SQUIRT, SHRIMP, SHORTY and PEE WEE form the interrelated group of this Monday crossword:

SMALL TALK (66A. Chitchat … or an apt title for this puzzle?)
SQUIRT GUN (17A. Toy in a water fight)
FRIED SHRIMP (25A. Crispy seafood dish)
GET SHORTY (39A. 1995 crime caper based on an Elmore Leonard novel)
PEE WEE REESE (56A. Hall-of-Fame Dodger nicknamed “The Little Colonel”)

Other — ALT-TAB (42A. PC key combo); APES and GORILLAS (5A. “Planet of the …”; 48D. Thug); ASH TREES (22D. Wood sources for baseball bats); BURRO (16A. Grand Canyon pack animal); COMET and STAR (68A. Heavenly body with a tail; 74A. *); ROOT BEER (26D. Barq’s or Mug); SNICKER (49D. Tee-hee); TAO and ZEN (32A. Chinese path of enlightenment; 53A. Japanese path of enlightenment".


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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