09.15.13 — The Sunday Crossword

Sunday, September 15, 2013

That Girl, Puzzle by Joe DiPietro / Edited by Will Shortz

Nine dreadful puns with non-clues dominate this unfriendly Sunday crossword:

SEIZE HER SALAD (23A. Confiscate a chef’s appetizer?)
SOCK HER PLAYER (37A. Conk a coach’s team member?)
SHUT HER BUG (55A. Close a VW Beetle owner’s car door?)
RUB HER CHICKEN (66A. Put a spice mix on a cook’s piece of poultry?)
LET HER BOMB (77A. Keep a bad comedian onstage?)
LICK HER BOTTLE (98A. Find out what a baby’s milk tastes like?)
JUMP HER CABLES (114A. Hop over an electrician’s wires?)
CHECK HER BOARD (15D. Ensure a surfer’s safety?)
COUNT HER PARTS (52D. Take a mechanic’s inventory?)

Other — AL GREEN (47D. “Love and Happiness” singer, 1972), ALL UPSET (18A. Hot and bothered), ARM’S REACH (12D. Grabbing distance), BIB and BIEB, CBER and HAM radio (49A. Certain radio user); EARTHMEN and SAUCER, HOLLER AT (9D. Loudly dress down), HOT AIR (14D. Windbag’s output), REAL SIZE (118A. Not magnified or reduced), REGIMENTS (78D. Groups of troops), SLUSH PILE (32D. Group of unsolicited manuscripts), STABBED (86D. Like Julius Caesar), STREAKS (7D. Barely moves?), THE SMITHS (54D. Band with a 1985 UK. #1 album titled “Meat is Murder“), TRALEE (8D. Irish city near Killarney).


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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