03.27.09 -- Bimbo Eruption!

Monica Lewinsky by Tom Richmond / Mayan Volcano Eruption
March 27, 2009
Puzzle by Paul Gamache, edited by Will Shortz
This Friday crossword is a self-described GRAB BAG (8A. Gallimaufry) that’s all over the place featuring a centerpiece of
BIMBO ERUPTION (34A. Certain sex scandal, in slang), and twenty or so two-word entries with generally unhelpful clues.
More of the two-word-or-more entries -- ABOUND IN (13D. Crawl with); BAD JOKE (20A. It may fall flat); BLOWS ON (18A. Cools, in a way); BUST INTO (12D. Enter like a storm trooper); EGGED ON (58A. Prodded); ET VOILA (53A. Chef’s cry); FAUX FUR (50A. It’s not really mink, for example);
ICE CAVES (35D. Some permafrost features); JUST RELAX (21D. “Cool your jets!”); MR FIXIT (26D. Recipient of a honey-do list); NOT MANY (24D. One or two); OIL TUBE (16A. Engine line); SEA WARS (60A. Fleet activities); SWUNG BY (1A. Detoured to pay a visit along the way); UP TO IT (3D.Game); USER FEES (36D. Tolls, essentially); YARD LINE (7D. Grid marking).
STEP-CUT (57A. Diamond-shaping choice) and BAGUETTE (34D. Diamond-shaping choice) with their
Shortzesque clues are the bridge from the two-word entries to the singular.
One-word mid-size entries -- ACUATE (40D. Needle-shaped); CACAOS (37A. Their beans were used as currency by the Aztecs); CALMEST (37D. Still the most); CAPELLA (15A. One of the 10 brightest stars); CICADA (42 Shrill flier); DOYENS (44D. Ones with seniority); EDAMAME (55A. Finger food at a Japanese restaurant); ENAMOR (43D. Bewitch); GENTILE (14D. Guest at a synagogue);
GOBOTS (8D. Transforming Tonka toys); LEFTIE (33A. Liberal, informally); RITZIER (17A. Having superior amenities); SCRIBE (1D. Worker who sets things down); TESTATE (59A. One way to die); WAIVES (2D. Doesn’t take advantage of).
Five-letter entries -- AGENT (39A. Instrument); BLEAK (6D. Discouraging); ESSEX (38A. Connecticut town attached by the British in the war of 1812); ESTOS (27A. These, overseas); FUDGE (47D. “Oh, phooey!”); KLUTE (25A. 1971 title role for Donald Sutherland); PETER (30D. Fizzle out); PRNDL (30A. Shifting sequence); RICED (41A. Not quit mashed); RILKE (9D. “The Book of Hours” poet); SABOT (28D. Cousin of a clog); SALUT (46D. Gallic greeting); SCARF (46A. Quaint aviation accessory); TAINT (31A. Sully).
Short stuff -- ALE and ALOE, BEIN, BTW, CAY, FICA, GLIB, IOS, ISS, IVO, LPS, LUCY, MEA and MEW, MINI, NEZ, OPT, RAGA, TINO, TUT (22A. Critical cluck).
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Remaining clues -- Across: 19. Literature Nobelist Andric; 23. Hippie happening; 26. Height of fashion?; 29. Periodical output: Abbr.; 40. Wassailing choice; 45. Sitcom character discussed in the 2003 biography “Ball of Fire”; 48. Former Yankee Martinez; 49. “Magnificat anima ___ Dominum”; 52. Bit of the Bahamas. Down: 4. Arome detector; 5. Smooth to a fault; 10. Natural treatment; 11. Start of a text-message afterthought; 32. Island SSW of Naxos; 33. Old track holders; 50. W-2 inclusion; 51. Music that influenced the Beatles’ “Norwegian Wood”; 54. Elect; 56. Cry from a litter.

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