02.17.08 -- Say "Cheese!" -- the Acrostic

Sunday, February 17, 2008
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ACROSTIC Puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon, edited by Will Shortz
“In Wisconsin, where oleomargarine is a fighting word, its great cheese and dairying business is a frequent subject of legislative conflict in Wisconsin’s handsome, cruciform Capitol in the center of Madison. Wisconsin’s farmers are perhaps the best informed politically in the national. They have to be or they’d miss part of the serious fun Wisconsin has always had with politics. Wisconsin’s politics have traditionally been uproar politics -- full of the yammer, the squawk, the accusing finger, the injured howl. Every voter is an amateur detective, full of zeal to get out and nip a little political iniquity in the bud.” -- George Sessions Perry, Cities of America
The quote appears fairly intact with the exception of the introductory half of the paragraph and the exclusion of “an amateur detective” -- fair enough!
The defined words: GUTHRIE (A. Dust Bowl Troubadour of folk music); EVILS (B. Escapees from a mythical box); OLIPHANT (C. Editorial cartoonist Pat); RAJPUT (D. Member of a Hindu warrior caste); GUMSHOE (E. Hawkshaw sleuth); ENBLOC (F. As a group, all together [2 wds.]); PERSEIDS (G. Shower that’s hot in August); ELICIT (H. Draw out, call forth); RUFFLE (I. Feature of Seinfeld’s puffy shirt); RAINBOW (J. Our nation, according to Jesse Jackson); YANQUI (K. Estadounidense); CLOWNING (L. Buffoonery); IDYLLS (M. Poems on pastoral scenes); THICKET (N. Chaparral or coppice); INHALF (O. Forming two equal pieces [2 wds.]); EVZONE (P. Kilt-wearing Greek soldier often serving as a palace guard); STAIRWAY (Q. Flight from one landing to another); OPTOUT (R. Decline to take advantage [of] [2 wds.]); FAITHFUL (S. True believers with “the”); AVIDITY (T. Enthusiasm; greed); MINOTAUR (U. Mythical monster kept in a labyrinth); ETHEL (V. Barrymore who said “I never let them cough. They wouldn’t dare”); REQUEST (W. “As Time Goes By,” to Sam, e.g.); IDIOLECT (X. Pattern of speech peculiar to one person); CLINTON (Y. Veep under Jefferson and Madison); APOSTLE (Z. Evangelistic supporter).
Presidential candidates running for election best know when in Wisconsin to say "cheese". Having lived in Wisconsin as a child for but a year, I was spared the politics, but remember the cheese... and smile!
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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